Adventurous New Zealand

If I could choose a destination re-do, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back to New Zealand. It’s everything you’ve heard about and so much more. My three-week visit to both the North and South Island was incomparable to any other place I’ve ever been. Everything Kiwi just seems a bit … more. And with more, life seems to elevate to a new level. Colors are brighter, food tastes better, weather becomes a companion rather than an adversary, mountains more enjoyable to climb. And bonus, there is no flora or fauna in New Zealand that is trying to kill you (unlike its “little island brother” - as the Kiwi’s affectionately call Australia - to the west).  

I had a singular opportunity to assist on a kiwi research expedition at our lodge at Cape Kidnappers, on the North Island. The Cape Sanctuary is the largest privately owned and funded wildlife restoration project of its kind in New Zealand. One of its missions is to protect and rehabilitate the endangered kiwi population endemic only to New Zealand. After a morning of transmitter tracking, the guide and I were able to locate a month-old juvenile kiwi, take its measurements, and change its transmitter leg band. It was so thrilling to be a part of this experience!  

The rest of the trip presented itself as an over-the-top brochure of adrenaline-fueled activities, farm to table gourmet meals, epic scenery, and outstanding lodges. No wonder I want to go back – I feel I’ve only scratched the surface of New Zealand’s many wonders!

Written By: Kim Helland


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