Exploring the Botswana Bush

I once owned a farm in Africa … Well, not really, but the romance and cinematic epicness of the Africa presented in the movie “Out of Africa” is what compelled me to finally book an African safari of my own. I chose the country of Botswana for many reasons, but primarily because it offered everything I was looking for: a dazzling number of animals, a fascinating indigenous culture, fewer tourists, and a little off-the-beaten-path. And today, it’s still one of my all-time favorite African destinations!

The key to any successful safari is to find an exceptional guide. Your guide is responsible for planning the day’s game viewing route and, therefore, any game you might encounter. So it is important to secure a local who can track animals and provide insider knowledge. Our guide not only had a sixth sense when it came to finding animals, but he was diligent about our safety, and an excellent bartender as well. A great combo when meandering through the wilds of the Okavango Delta. I’ll never forget our safety briefing on our first walk through the bush; it all boiled down to paying attention and hoping the person next to you didn’t…

I recall one evening in particular. Our little group was sitting around the campfire at our campsite in the Moremi Game Reserve, recounting the day’s thrilling animal encounters. Our very satisfying day consisted of an early morning game drive, high tea alongside the Chobe River, a delicious lunch in the Mopane woodlands, an afternoon game drive, and finally dinner around the campfire. Collectively, our gaze slowly zeroed in on a silently approaching lone hyena. You think you know what a hyena looks like? Well, how about its drooling maw up close and personal? And it’s distinctive odor? And the way it glares at you like you owe it money? I smothered the urge to panic and run, as our guide deliberately and coolly kept his head and offered a running monologue advising us to sit still and not move a muscle. It was clear who the alpha was in this situation and who were the delectable little morsels. After circling our group a few times, it finally lost interest and slunk off into the inky blackness of the African nighttime.  

Exploring Botswana has been a highlight of my life, and I would definitely recommend an African safari to anyone interested. It is an incredible way to see the world, learn about the region, and spot the mighty Big Five. If Botswana is not already on your travel bucket list, it very well should be.

Written By: Kim Helland


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